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Qurban Khan
Share to Aalmi Urdu Ghar
* For You I live and for You I'll die, *
For You I live and for You I'll die,
in this life do my best and try
Stay on that path You have prescribed
not that which society in my head has imbibed
Every good deed I do is in Your name
because for Your great heavens is what I aim
I thank You for the blessings You've given
and for all sins and bad deeds You have forgiven
I thank You for always being by my side
led me and been my One and only Guide
I pray all good I do You approve
and always in my deen and iman I improve
Only You in this world do I praise
every time I pray and my hands I raise
I hope that in my mind will always be the hereafter
and the characteristics of the prophet's wives I take after
I hope on Qiyamah I'll receive my book in my right
and stand with my face shining so bright
Inshallah by those who do good I will stand
and away from the acts of those which You have banned
Grant me the Jannahs in which rivers flow
and please make my soul and face on that day glow.
For You I will always be a slave
through the hardships and high waves
So Allah... for Your forgiveness I plea
because Your mercy and forgiveness are the only key
To Your heavens which You've promised to the righteous believers
and not Jahannam promised to the nonbeliever


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