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Shah Hussain
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* Sajjan bin raatan hoiyan wadiyan *
Kalam Shah Hussain With English Translation

Sajjan bin raatan hoiyan wadiyan

Ranjha jogi, main jogiani, kamli kar kar sadiyan

Mass jhurey jhur pinjer hoyya, kaRken lagiyan hadiyan

Main ayani niyoonh ki janan, birhoon tannawan gadiyan

Kahe Husain faqeer sain da, laR tairay main lagiyaan

Nights swell and merge into each other as I stand a wait for him.
Since the day Ranjha became jogi, I have scarcely been my old self and people every where call me crazy. My young flesh crept into creases leaving my young bones a creaking skeleton. I was too young to know the ways of love; and now as the nights swell and merge into each other, I play host to that unkind guest – separation.


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