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Javaid Ghazi
--: Biography of Javaid Ghazi :--

 Javaid Ghazi JJ


Javaid Ghazi was born on 24  April,1991, in Nagri Kupwara, Kashmir.He recieved his early education in local schools and later did his B.A. in GDC Kupwara.Here he took interest in Political Science,History and Economics,as he liked to be a social scientist. Presently, he is doing his University of Kashmir.Ghazi's interest in literature, especially in poetry grew since 2001 and he started reading Iqbal,Faiz,Faraz,John Keats, Yeats, and later in 2008,he studied Walt Whiteman, Pablo Neruda and Johan Goethe;all these poets influenced him very much. And from 2006, he started writting poetry in Urdu, including  Gazal, Nazam, Rubayaat. He published his first poetry collection "AKIS-I-HANGAM" in 2011 that was labelled by critics as a 'childish attempt'. But another collection he wrote is a thorough imprint of Iqbal's influence on him.This collection will be published very soon in Pakistan by its title,"SHOQ-I-HAKIN" that means, "The Philosopher's Quest''.

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