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Shah Mubarak Abroo
--: Biography of Shah Mubarak Abroo :--

Shah Mubarak Abroo

Shah Mubarak Abroo born 1683 in Gawalior was an Indian poet. Shah Mubarak Aabruu was one of the most prominent North Indian poets of formative phase of Urdu literature. the grandson of Muhammad Ghaus Gwaliori, and hailed from a family of mystics.Born during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb he died during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shahduring in year 1733, whose time Urdu had become a common language and installed as the court language. He was one of the first poets who started writing Diwan (collection of Urdu poetries) and was the contemporary of Meer Taqi Meer and Mushafi. His Diwan was published in 1967. 

Abroo  poetry and was influenced by Sanskrit language through Brajbhasha and Indianised Persian poetry. He was a disciple of Sirajuddin Ali Khan Arzu of Agra.


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