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Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum
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* In a lofty place atop mountains *

Poems in honour of Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al  Maktoum


In the Presence of the Noble, the Greatly Beloved

In a lofty place atop mountains,
Clear, by its perfume permeated.

A paradise striking as exemplars,
A paradise embraced Eden and immortality.

Dispels cares when accumulated,
How often it embraced eye and cheek.

Changing your condition to another condition,
And your eye sleeps after sleeplessness.

Where the beauty that is the mind,
In the presence of the noble, the greatly beloved.

When the clouds descend,
Your hand, and from your hands rain.

Gained honour generations are proud,
Maktoum in it did dine.

And increased joy, the realization of hopes,
Tidings as if flowers granted.

The victory the horse raised up obtained,
Halling* which won and challenged.

Oh my brother! May He make the clouds pour down,
For you, and the sky grant you happiness.

And the perfume is for you, oh felicitous!
Oh, whom creation does love!

* a Godolphin horse






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